quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2009

Taking credit - Jazz Chants

Whose book is this?
It's mine.
It's mine.
Are you sure it's not his?
No, no, it's mine!
Whose book is this?
This beautiful work!
It's mine! It's mine!
It's mine! It's mine!
Whose work is this?
This awful work!
It's his!It's his!
It's his! It's his!
Are you sure it's not yours?
Of course it's not mine!
It's certainly not mine!
Not mine, not mine!
Not yours?
Not mine!
Are you sure?
I`m sure!
Is it his?
It's his.
Not yours?
Not mine!

These are my blue jeans - Jazz Chants

That's my shirt.
This red shirt? No, that brown shirt.
Those are my shoes.
These brown shoes? No, those black shoes.
This is my jacket.
That green jacket? No, this blue jacket.
That.s my t-shirt.
This white t-shirt? No, that red t-shirt.
These are my jeans.
Those black jeans? No, these blue jeans.
Those are my shorts.
These green shorts? No, those white shorts.

You`re just like your mother - Jazz Chants

Stop it!
Stop what?
Stop arguing with me.
I`m not arguing with you.
Yes, you are.
No, I`m not.
Yes, you are.
No, I`m not.
You are too!
I `m not.
You`re just like your mother
I`m not.
Yes, you are.
No, I`m not.
Yes, you are.
No, I`m not.
She loves to argue.
No, she doesn`t.
Yes, she does.
No, she doesn`t.
She does too!
She does not!
She does too!
She does not!
Don’t argue with me!

terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009

The Lord's Prayer

Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.

Activity to 6th Grade about School Subjects

Fill the your School Schedule.

Let's go to play STOP!

Activity to ProJovem about Verbs

Creating the mood: Observe os verbos na figura ao lado, você pode observar que o significado deles foi representado através de desenhos. Faça o mesmo com os verbos, que nós estamos estudando: READ, WRITE, WORK, LISTEN, LIVE, EAT, CAN and GO.

segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009

Activity to 5th Grade about Family

Look at this picture and then draw your own family tree.

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009

Class 73 at the first day at LABIN - Laboratório de Informática

News at EEB Amadio Dalago

As 5ªs, 6ªs, 7ªs e 8ªs séries desta escola estão criando seus próprios BLOGS nas aulas de inglês. Este projeto envolve a disciplina de inglês a princípio, mas professores de outras disciplinas também poderão utilizar as ferramentas do BLOG para publicarem seus trabalhos com suas turmas: 5ªs, 6ªs, 7ªs e 8ªs. Em breve, divulgarei os endereços dos blogs criados pelos alunos!
Posted by Luci Meri Gabriel Maul